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I wish more smart home products did what this air purifier does

levoit core 400s air purifier with vesync android app
Credit: Rita El Khoury / Android Authority
Opinion post by
Rita El Khoury

I’ve spent the past four years coughing — I did it way before COVID made it cool — and after a lot of failed wishful thinking to make it go away, I ended up at a pulmonologist being diagnosed with asthma. My quest for cleaner and healthier air has made me look at some smart home gadgets like the Sensibo Elements air quality monitor, but I soon realized that wasn’t enough and I needed a purifier too. Some online digging led me to the smart Levoit Core 400S ( $219.99 at Amazon ), and after a short debate between it and the smaller/cheaper 300S, my husband convinced me we needed to fork the price for the better one. To be fair, I was coughing so much, I couldn’t string three words together in my argument.

I’m not here to talk about the merits of the Core 400S as an air purifier — it is good and my cough has dramatically subsided since we got it — but I want to discuss one core (ha!) feature of its smart home experience: Easy voice commands.

via Android Authority

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