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iPhone SE 4 renders leak: iPhone XR reborn?

iPhone SE 2022 review second opinion showing back of the phone in hand

Credit: Dhruv Bhutani / Android Authority
  • Renders of the iPhone SE 4 have leaked, showing a notched display without a fingerprint sensor.
  • The phone is expected to release in 2024 with a bigger 6.1-inch display.
  • You can see the leaked renders of the phone below.

The grapevine has been speculating about the new iPhone SE for some time now. While Apple launched a new SE just this year, information about the next one has been circulating even before this compact iPhone showed up. YouTuber Jon Prosser of FrontPageTech has now teamed up with concept graphic designer Ian Zelbo to create renders of the iPhone SE 4.

via Android Authority

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